[SciPy-User] ANN: Image Processing SciKit

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Fri Sep 25 19:42:27 EDT 2009

On 25-Sep-09, at 11:18 AM, Gustaf Nilsson wrote:

> Maybe im missing something, but it would be nice with a some sort of
> presentation on the webpage showing how it works without the need to
> download and install it?

Really this is just a toolbox of functions; individual functions  
documentation have usage examples,e.g. http://stefanv.github.com/scikits.image/api/scikits.image.transform.hough_transform.html

Although, it would be really helpful to have the output of those plot  
commands. John Hunter's sampledoc tutorial ( http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/sampledoc/ 
  ) contains instructions on how to do the requisite Sphinx twiddling  
to get matplotlib plots plotted in the Sphinx output, it's just a  
matter of someone actually *doing* it.

This is exactly the kind of low-hanging fruit a SciPy/scikits/open  
source newcomer (or long-time user, first-time contributor) could do  
to get their feet wet, by the way :)  It's basically a matter of

	a) forking the project on GitHub,
	b) following the instructions at the sampledoc tutorial to make
	    plots work,
	c) committing and pushing to your own github branch and pinging
	    Stefan to go look/update the live docs.

  I know Stefan's really busy with other obligations right now, as am  
I, but consider this an open invitation to help out if you have some  
time to spare.


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