[SciPy-User] keyboard interrupt problem with odeint

Brian Blais bblais at bryant.edu
Mon Apr 12 19:27:49 EDT 2010


I have a busy loop with odeint that I want to allow the user to stop,  
and then have the program return gracefully.  Unfortunately, when I  
try to catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception, it doesn't exit or  
catch it.  I paired the program down to the following silly example  
to reproduce the problem:

from scipy.integrate import odeint
from numpy import *

def damped_osc(u,t,b): #defines the system of odes
     return(v,-x-b*v) #the derivatives of u

t = arange(0,20,0.001)
u0 = array([1,0])
     while True:
         u=odeint(damped_osc,u0,t,args=(b,)) #b is in tuple, needs comma
except KeyboardInterrupt:
     print "here!"

hitting control-C, I get the following printed to the screen:

error: Error occured while calling the Python function named damped_osc

but the thing keeps going!

Is there a way I can consistently stop it?


			Brian Blais

Brian Blais
bblais at bryant.edu

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