[SciPy-User] stats vs stats.mstats

Bruce Southey bsouthey at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 09:44:29 EDT 2010

  On 08/03/2010 08:50 PM, PHobson at Geosyntec.com wrote:
> I was curious about the state of scipy.stats and scipy.stats.mstats. It seems to me that mstats is more advanced for some functions (like computing percentiles/quantiles). Is that the case?
> Any reason not to use mstats over stats entirely?
> Thanks,
> -paul
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scipy.stats uses  'standard' arrays.
scipy.mstats uses masked arrays.

Most of scipy.stats was directly implemented for masked arrays in 
scipy.mstats with some additional functionality. So while you can use 
scipy.mstats for non-masked arrays, it is can be 'overkill' and you 
should expect certain consequences such as masked arrays being returned.


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