[SciPy-User] ANN: carray 0.3 released

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Wed Dec 22 13:58:41 EST 2010

Announcing carray 0.3

What's new

A lot of stuff.  The most outstanding feature in this version is the
introduction of a `ctable` object.  A `ctable` is similar to a
structured array in NumPy, but instead of storing the data row-wise, it
uses a column-wise arrangement.  This allows for much better performance
for very wide tables, which is one of the scenarios where a `ctable`
makes more sense.  Of course, as `ctable` is based on `carray` objects,
it inherits all its niceties (like on-the-flight compression and fast

Also, the `carray` object itself has received many improvements, like
new constructors (arange(), fromiter(), zeros(), ones(), fill()),
iterators (where(), wheretrue()) or resize mehtods (resize(), trim()).
Most of these also work with the new `ctable`.

Besides, Numexpr is supported now (but it is optional) in order to carry
out stunningly fast queries on `ctable` objects.  For example, doing a
query on a table with one million rows and one thousand columns can be
up to 2x faster than using a plain structured array, and up to 20x
faster than using SQLite (using the ":memory:" backend and indexing).
See 'bench/ctable-query.py' for details.

Finally, binaries for Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit) are provided.

For more detailed info, see the release notes in:

What it is

carray is a container for numerical data that can be compressed
in-memory.  The compression process is carried out internally by Blosc,
a high-performance compressor that is optimized for binary data.

Having data compressed in-memory can reduce the stress of the memory
subsystem.  The net result is that carray operations may be faster than
using a traditional ndarray object from NumPy.

carray also supports fully 64-bit addressing (both in UNIX and Windows).
Below, a carray with 1 trillion of rows has been created (7.3 TB total),
filled with zeros, modified some positions, and finally, summed-up::

  >>> %time b = ca.zeros(1e12)
  CPU times: user 54.76 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 54.79 s
  Wall time: 55.23 s
  >>> %time b[[1, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12-1]] = (1,2,3,4,5)
  CPU times: user 2.08 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 2.08 s
  Wall time: 2.09 s
  >>> b
  carray((1000000000000,), float64)
    nbytes: 7450.58 GB; cbytes: 2.27 GB; ratio: 3275.35
    cparams := cparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True)
  [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, ..., 0.0, 0.0, 5.0]
  >>> %time b.sum()
  CPU times: user 10.08 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 10.08 s
  Wall time: 10.15 s

['%time' is a magic function provided by the IPyhton shell]

Please note that the example above is provided for demonstration
purposes only.  Do not try to run this at home unless you have more than
3 GB of RAM available, or you will get into trouble.


Visit the main carray site repository at:

You can download a source package from:


Home of Blosc compressor:

User's mail list:
carray at googlegroups.com

Share your experience

Let us know of any bugs, suggestions, gripes, kudos, etc. you may



Francesc Alted

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