[SciPy-User] [ANN] scikit.statsmodels 0.2.0 release

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Sat Feb 20 15:25:54 EST 2010

On 20-Feb-10, at 4:20 AM, Gael Varoquaux wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 04:19:52PM -0500, David Warde-Farley wrote:
>> By GMM do you mean Gaussian mixture? I have some fairly well-tested
>> code for that if you're interested (with a bunch of features like
>> selective component updates, various sorts of pseudocount strategies,
>> etc.
> David,
> We (scikit.learn) are interested in your code. I haven't come  
> forward yet
> and called for contribution, because we need to reorganise a bit the
> layout of the project, and define uniform APIs, as the discussion  
> showed,
> but in a month, I believe that we'll be in business.

Hi Gael,

Cool, although I think David's old code in PyEM may take precedence  
(if there are users in the wild who depend on the old API). The other  
thing I have is some discrete naive Bayes code that operates on  
integer, string or object arrays (2D arrays, though making it operate  
on record arrays as well wouldn't be too hard).


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