[SciPy-User] Autocorrelation function: Convolution vs FFT
Skipper Seabold
jsseabold at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 12:28:03 EDT 2010
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:37 AM, davide <lasagnadavide at gmail.com> wrote:
> Have a look to "Random data analysi" by Piersol and Bendat.
Thanks for the reference.
> Here is some code of mine. Still need some tweaks.
Thanks. This is similar to what I came up with, though maybe David's
from talkbox is more general.
> To test it try to autocorrelate a long time history of a pure sine wave.
> Then compare the result with a cosine of the same frequency.
> def acorr( y, fs=1, maxlags=None, normed=True, full=False ):
> """
> Get the auto-correlation function of a signal.
> Parameters
> ----------
> y : a one dimensional array
> maxlags: the maximum number of time delay for which
> to compute the auto-correlation.
> normed : a boolean option. If true the normalized
> auto-correlation function is returned.
> fs : the sampling frequecy of the data
> full : if True also a time array is returned for
> plotting purposes
> Returns
> -------
> rho : the auto-correlation function
> t : a time array. Only if full==True
> Example
> -------
> t = np.arange(2**20) / 1000.0
> y = np.sin(2*np.pi*100*t)
> rho = acorr( y, maxlags=1000 )
> """
> if not maxlags:
> maxlags = len(y)/2
> if maxlags > len(y)/2:
> maxlags = len(y)/2
> fs = float(fs)
> # pad with zeros
> x = np.hstack( (y, np.zeros(len(y))) )
> # compute FFT trasform of signal
> sp = np.fft.rfft( x )
> tmp = np.empty_like(sp)
> tmp = np.conj(sp, tmp)
> tmp = np.multiply(tmp, sp, tmp)
> rho = np.fft.irfft( tmp )
> # divide by array length
> rho = np.divide(rho, len(y), rho)[:maxlags]
> # obtain the unbiased estimate
> tmp = len(y) / ( len(y) - np.arange(maxlags, dtype=np.float64) )
> rho = np.multiply(rho, tmp, rho)
> if normed:
> rho = rho / rho[0]
> if full:
> t = np.arange(maxlags, dtype=np.float32) / fs
> return t, rho
> else:
> return rho
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