[SciPy-User] getting started with ndarray
David Goldsmith
d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Thu May 6 12:43:50 EDT 2010
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:28 AM, denis <denis-bz-gg at t-online.de> wrote:
> I'd recommend http://scipy.org/Cookbook/BuildingArrays, then
> http://scipy.org/Cookbook/Indexing
> (can't resist quoting from Indexing:
> "numpy and scipy provide a few other types that behave like arrays, in
> particular matrices and sparse matrices.
> Their indexing can differ from that of arrays in surprising ways")
> Also
> http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/~myers/teaching/ComputationalMethods/python/arrays.html<http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/%7Emyers/teaching/ComputationalMethods/python/arrays.html>
> is a nice 2-page cheat sheet.
Nice indeed, I just bookmarked it! Is there a link to that on the scipy
Site? There should be!
> cheers
> -- denis
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