[SciPy-User] complex numbers - sign problem

et.barthel at free.fr et.barthel at free.fr
Sat May 22 08:06:54 EDT 2010

not sure it's the right place to ask the question, but I don't really know where
to send it.
I have an issue with cmath sign handling:
In [75]: -1-0.j
Out[75]: (-1+0j)

In [76]: -(1+0.j)
Out[76]: (-1-0j)
is a bit strange by itself - at least to me - but combined with a multivalued
function which has a branch cut on the x-axis leads to significant and
potentially harmful sign problem. Of course one can fiddle around the problem
but I would like to be sure if this is a bug or if there is some sense to it.

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