[SciPy-User] [OT] Analysis for Applied Mathematics

David Goldsmith d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Sat May 29 17:53:15 EDT 2010

Hi!  A long time ago, I asked Bill Derrick, my advisor @ the Univ. of
Montana, to recommend a text on Analysis written for applied mathematicians
and he suggested Cheney, "Analysis for Applied Mathematics."  I'm finally in
a position to add such a volume to my library and I'm wondering if A) anyone
reading this would strongly disagree w/ this recommendation (and if so,
why), and B) in particular, has it since been superseded by something
superior?  Thanks!


PS: I'm also in the market for a treatise on Noise (i.e., I'm interested in
something that attempts to be pretty comprehensive, covering theory and
applications, looking at it - in its various "colors", i.e., white, pink,
brown, etc. - from the variety of disciplines in which it plays an important
part, etc., etc.)  Thanks again!

Mathematician: noun, someone who disavows certainty when their uncertainty
set is non-empty, even if that set has measure zero.

Hope: noun, that delusive spirit which escaped Pandora's jar and, with her
lies, prevents mankind from committing a general suicide.  (As interpreted
by Robert Graves)
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