[SciPy-User] optional args to genfromtxt unavailable?

Ben Harrison ben.harrison at liquidmesh.com
Wed Apr 13 00:19:58 EDT 2011

hi, i've had errors returned when trying to use some of the optional 
arguments to genfromtxt in ipython (with pylab). Here's a small sample:

In [17]: import numpy as n

In [18]:

In [19]: directory = '/work/ben/'

In [20]: filename = directory + 'log.csv'

In [21]:

In [22]: tdata = n.genfromtxt(filename, skiprows=2, delimiter=',', 
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/work/ben/<ipython console> in <module>()

TypeError: genfromtxt() got an unexpected keyword argument 'autostrip'

I also get similar errors when using skip_header, filling_values (but 
not missing_values), and possibly others. Why is this?

harb at joan:~$ python --version
Python 2.6.5

In [27]: np.__version__
Out[27]: '1.3.0'


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