[SciPy-User] confidence interval for leastsq fit

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 13:14:41 EDT 2011

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Bruce Southey <bsouthey at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/28/2011 11:56 AM, josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Bruce Southey<bsouthey at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> On 04/28/2011 11:16 AM, josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Bruce Southey<bsouthey at gmail.com>    wrote:
>>>>> On 04/28/2011 10:31 AM, Till Stensitzki wrote:
>>>>>>> gets better as this linearized form approximates the true model and
>>>>>>> correct if the model is linear.
>>>>>> True, but in some cases the approximation is quite bad,
>>>>>> e.g. the mentioned sum of exponentials.
>>>>>>> By exhaustive search I presume you mean
>>>>>>> boostrapping which is going to better provided that there are enough
>>>>>>> points, samples, method used and how appropriate the model actually is.
>>>>>> Bootstrapping is to take random samples and compare the results of
>>>>>> fitting the samples? Nope, by exhaustive search i am the procedure
>>>>>> described by the linked paper. You change the optimal parameter
>>>>>> by a small margin, repeat the fit with the one parameter hold and
>>>>>> than compare the chi^2 of this fit with the chi^2 of the optimal fit.
>>>>>> Till
>>>>> If you can estimate this fixed parameter, then you really need to
>>>>> include in your model. That type of 'messing about' does not provide the
>>>>> correct values so of course your confidence intervals will be 'wrong'.
>>>>> Wrong because the variances and covariances are *conditional* on the
>>>>> fixed value and do not account for the uncertainty in estimating the
>>>>> 'fixed' parameter.
>>>>> If you can not estimate that parameter, then 'whatever' you is rather
>>>>> meaningless because there are an infinite number of solutions. This is
>>>>> not a problem if your desired function is estimable (as in analysis
>>>>> variance with dummy variables) where you estimate the differences not
>>>>> actual values). Otherwise your answer will depend on the constraint
>>>>> imposed so if the constraint is wrong so will be the answer.
>>>> The approach sounds to me like the same principle as behind profile
>>>> likelihood, which is just a way to trace the likelihood contour.
>>>> e.g.
>>>> http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/imlug/59656/HTML/default/nonlinearoptexpls_sect19.htm#
>>>> My guess is under the assumption of a normal additive error, using the
>>>> F-statistic or the loglikelihood level or ratio might be pretty much
>>>> equivalent.
>>>> Josef
>>> Perhaps the 'decidedly inferior' marginal profile confidence intervals
>>> is closer as you fix all but one parameter and compare that to the full
>>> likelihood.
>>> http://www.unc.edu/courses/2010fall/ecol/563/001/docs/lectures/lecture11.htm#marginal
>>> It also relies rather heavily on the assumption that the likelihood
>>> ratio is chi-squared.
>> from Tills reference
>> """
>> In the exhaustive search procedure the rate constant ki was changed
>> (increased or decreased) from its optimal value by a certain fraction.
>> Subsequently, a new minimization of x2 was performed in which ki is
>> fixed, whereas all other fit parameters were allowed to relax, in order
>> to find a new minimum on the reduced x2-surface. The rate constant ki
>> was thus increased/decreased stepwise until the new minimal value for
>> the reduced x2 was significantly worse than X2 . This procedure
>> mapped the complete x2-surface around Xmin It provided error ranges
>> for each rate constant, at a given statistical accuracy.
>> """
>> hold one parameter fixed, maximize chi2, or loglikelihood with respect
>> to all other parameters
>> (same idea as concentrated likelihood)
>> Josef
>>> Bruce
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> Are we talking confidence intervals (OP) or parameter estimation
> (essentially a grid search)?
> (I have nothing more to say on the latter as it still holds.)

the constraint parameter estimation is just a tool to trace the
log-likelihood, the purpose is to construct a confidence interval that
takes the non-linearity or non-normality (for example in generalized
linear model) into account.

Per Brodtkorb has it implemented in his version of stats.distributions
(which got me started to look into this).

Since the local linear approximation in the standard parameter
variance version might not be very good for larger non-linear changes,
tracing the loglikelihood should give better confidence intervals.
>From the description of one implementation in R, they use a grid to
calculate the loglikelihood at different points (holding one parameter
constant), approximate it with a polynomial or a spline to get an
estimate of the (profile) loglikelihood, which is then inverted for
given Likelihood-Ratio or F-test critical value. This way they get the
extreme points of the parameter estimates for which the LR-test is not

>From what I have seen, the theory is pretty clear if there is only 1
parameter of interest and the others are considered nuisance
parameters. But the explanations usually contain "the profile
likelihood is not a true likelihood" function, and I'm not quite sure
what the interpretation should be if there are many parameters of


> Bruce
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