[SciPy-User] matplotlib: Simple legend code no longer works after upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Tue Dec 13 10:09:53 EST 2011

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 7:05 PM, C Barrington-Leigh <cpblpublic at gmail.com>wrote:

> Oops; I just posted this to comp.lang.python, but I wonder whether
> matplotlib questions are supposed to go to scipy-user?

How about matplotlib-users at lists.sourceforge.net?  I've cc'ed to that list.


> Here it is:
> """
> Before I upgraded to 2.7.2+ / 4 OCt 2011, the following code added a
> comment line to an axis legend using matplotlib / pylab.
> Now, the same code makes the legend appear "off-screen", ie way
> outside the axes limits.
> Can anyone help? And/or is there a new way to add a title and footer
> to the legend?
> Thanks!
> """
> from pylab import *
> plot([0,0],[1,1],label='Ubuntu 11.10')
> lh=legend(fancybox=True,shadow=False)
> lh.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
> from matplotlib.offsetbox import TextArea, VPacker
> fontsize=lh.get_texts()[0].get_fontsize()
> legendcomment=TextArea('extra comments here',
> textprops=dict(size=fontsize))
> show()
> # Looks fine here
> lh._legend_box = VPacker(pad=5,
>                         sep=0,
>                         children=[lh._legend_box,legendcomment],
>                         align="left")
> lh._legend_box.set_figure(gcf())
> draw()
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