[SciPy-User] how to create a phase portrait for a nonlinear diff. eqn.

Ryan Krauss ryanlists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 17:58:29 EST 2011

Thanks for the examples.  I had seen them, but wasn't thinking they
were exactly what I needed at the time.  I was stuck on finding the
tangent arrow values.  But I think I see it now.

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 9:08 AM, John Hunter <jdh2358 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Ryan Krauss <ryanlists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am teaching a nonlinear controls course this coming semester.  I
>> plan to have the students write code to generate phase portraits as a
>> project.  It is fairly easy to randomly (or intelligently?) create
>> initial condition seeds and run integrate.odeint.  What isn't obvious
>> to me is how to put arrows on phase portrait lines to indicate the
>> direction of the evolution over time.  For example, the attached code
>> creates a phase portrait for a fairly simple system.  The graph is
>> shown in the attached png.  But this equilibrium point is either
>> stable or unstable depending on whether the curve spirals in or out
>> over time.  How do I write code to automatically determine the
>> direction of increasing time and indicate it by arrow heads on the
>> graph?
>> I know x, xdot, and time as vectors for each point on the graph.  I
>> guess I could numerically determine (d xdot)/dx for each point, but is
>> that the best route to go?  And that leads to issues as dx gets
>> small....
> here's one example
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> import scipy.integrate as integrate
> def dr(r, f):
>     """
>     return the derivative of *r* (the rabbit population) evaulated as a
>     function of *r* and *f*.  The function should work whether *r* and *f*
>     are scalars, 1D arrays or 2D arrays.  The return value should have
>     the same dimensionality (shape) as the inputs *r* and *f*.
>     """
>     return alpha*r - beta*r*f
> def df(r, f):
>     """
>     return the derivative of *f* (the fox population) evaulated as a
>     function of *r* and *f*.  The function should work whether *r* and *f*
>     are scalars, 1D arrays or 2D arrays.  The return value should have
>     the same dimensionality (shape) as the inputs *r* and *f*.
>     """
>     return gamma*r*f - delta*f
> def derivs(state, t):
>     """
>     Return the derivatives of R and F, stored in the *state* vector::
>        state = [R, F]
>     The return data should be [dR, dF] which are the derivatives of R
>     and F at position state and time *t*
>     """
>     R, F = state          # and foxes
>     deltar = dr(r, f)     # in rabbits
>     deltaf = df(r, f)     # in foxes
>     return deltar, deltaf
> # the parameters for rabbit and fox growth and interactions
> alpha, delta = 1, .25
> beta, gamma = .2, .05
> # the initial population of rabbits and foxes
> r0 = 20
> f0 = 10
> # create a time array from 0..100 sampled at 0.1 second steps
> t = np.arange(0.0, 100, 0.1)
> y0 = [r0, f0]  # the initial [rabbits, foxes] state vector
> # integrate your ODE using scipy.integrate.  Read the help to see what
> # is available
>  HINT: see scipy.integrate.odeint
> y = integrate.odeint(derivs, y0, t)
> # the return value from the integration is a Nx2 array.  Extract it
> # into two 1D arrays caled r and f using numpy slice indexing
> r = y[:,0]  # extract the rabbits vector
> f = y[:,1]  # extract the foxes vector
> # time series plot: plot the population of rabbits and foxes as a
> # funciton of time
> plt.figure()
> plt.plot(t, r, label='rabbits')
> plt.plot(t, f, label='foxes')
> plt.xlabel('time (years)')
> plt.ylabel('population')
> plt.title('population trajectories')
> plt.grid()
> plt.legend()
> plt.savefig('lotka_volterra.png', dpi=150)
> plt.savefig('lotka_volterra.eps')
> # phase-plane plot: plot the population of foxes versus rabbits
> # make sure you include and xlabel, ylabel and title
> plt.figure()
> plt.plot(r, f, color='red')
> plt.xlabel('rabbits')
> plt.ylabel('foxes')
> plt.title('phase plane')
> # Create 2D arrays for R and F to represent the entire phase plane --
> # the point (R[i,j], F[i,j]) is a single (rabbit, fox) combinations.
> # pass these arrays to the functions dr and df above to get 2D arrays
> # of dR and dF evaluated at every point in the phase plance.
> rmax = 1.1 * r.max()
> fmax = 1.1 * f.max()
> R, F = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1, rmax), np.arange(-1, fmax))
> dR = dr(R, F)
> dF = df(R, F)
> plt.quiver(R, F, dR, dF)
> # Now find the nul-clines, for dR and dF respectively.  These are the
> # points where dR=0 and dF=0 in the (R, F) phase plane.  You can use
> # matplotlib's countour routine to find the zero level.  See the
> # levels keyword to contour.  You will need a fine mesh of R and F,
> # reevaluate dr and df on the finer grid, and use contour to find the
> # level curves
> R, F = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1, rmax, 0.1), np.arange(-1, fmax, 0.1))
> dR = dr(R, F)
> dF = df(R, F)
> plt.contour(R, F, dR, levels=[0], linewidths=3, colors='blue')
> plt.contour(R, F, dF, levels=[0], linewidths=3, colors='green')
> plt.ylabel('foxes')
> plt.title('trajectory, direction field and null clines')
> plt.savefig('lotka_volterra_pplane.png', dpi=150)
> plt.savefig('lotka_volterra_pplane.eps')
> plt.show()
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