[SciPy-User] bandlimiting sample sequence

Andrew Gaydenko a at gaydenko.com
Tue Jan 11 05:39:07 EST 2011


Say, I have given sample rate Fs and a sequence of (soft-generated) samples. 
The aim is to limit band below Fs/2. I mean any limiting params are also given 
(for example, attenuation at 0.9 * Fs/2 is -1db or less, attenuation at Fs/2 
must be -60db or more, gain oscillation in some frequencies range (say, from 
0Hz to 0.8 * Fs/2) must be in +/-0.01db range.

Has anybody examples (or references to publically available examples) I can 
take to understand how to band limit a sequence decribed way?


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