[SciPy-User] Install Scipy on Python 3.X

Peter Norlindh peter.norlindh at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 15:18:32 EDT 2011


I have just installed Python 3.2 on Ubuntu 11.04 and am now struggling to
install Scipy 0.9.0.  Earlier, I effortlessly installed Scipy (from the
repository) on Python 2.7, but installing it on Python 3.2 seems to be a
whole different animal.

Are there any easy-to-follow installation instructions available?  The
INSTALL files that come with the tar files (Numpy and Scipy) are probably
very informative, but I find them too extensive and hard to follow.

Any help to get it all set up would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Peter Norlindh
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