[SciPy-User] generic_flapack.pyf and geqp3

Collin Stocks collinstocks at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 23:58:12 EDT 2011

Thanks :)
Actually, I already managed to figure out how to create the patch
before reading your post, but thanks for the quick reply anyway. Any
idea where I should go from here? I've submitted a patch to the
tracker (http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/ticket/1473). I guess I
should just wait...

It's just that there is some specific code I want to run (I have
already written it), and I would prefer that my code not rely on my
own personal fork of the SciPy project ;D

Actually, the code I have written is probably going to end up as part
of SciPy (or one of the SciKits), as it is a Python implementation of
the stepwisefit function from MatLab's statistics toolbox, which is
rather useful to some people. (Perhaps seeing this may be an incentive
for some of the developers to accept my patch for qr()...)

On Jul 11, 10:25 pm, Skipper Seabold <jsseab... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Collin Stocks <collinsto... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> > I am planning to try to add functionality to scipy.linalg.qr(),
> > specifically to allow qr decomposition with pivoting. However, I have
> > almost no knowledge of how to wrap the function in scipy/linalg/
> > generic_flapack.pyf.
> > Could somebody please point me in the correct direction?
> Far from an expert, but I've used the 'smart way' in f2py to wrap some
> LAPACK stuff. Basically, you run f2py on the fortran source, then edit
> the .pyf file as you need to (use the f2py docs, the routine you're
> wrapping's documentation, and the pyf examples in scipy for guidance),
> and then run f2py again to build it (with -llapack or whatever if you
> need to link against other libraries).
> http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/usersguide/index.html#the-smart-way
> I'd be interested to see an example of how to accomplish something
> similar with fwrap.
> Skipper
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