[SciPy-User] Sparse matrix question
Luke Bloy
lbloy at seas.upenn.edu
Tue Jul 12 17:01:37 EDT 2011
I have what I hope is a fairly simple scipy question about sparse matrices.
I have a sparse matrix (A) that i use to build a constraint matrix for
an optimisation problem. The constraints, that concern A, are that
A_{i,j} d_{j} - A_{j,i} d_{i} == 0. I would then find the optimal d vector.
So I'm having problems efficiently building my constraints. The first
part is simple as it is just the nonzero elements of A but accessing A
transpose in the same order is difficult.
The basic logic is this....
rows=numpy.zeros(2*A.nnz, dtype=numpy.int32)
cols=numpy.zeros(2*A.nnz, dtype=numpy.int32)
data=numpy.zeros(2*A.nnz, dtype=numpy.float64)
#A_{i,j} d_{j}
numNonZeros = A.nnz
rows[:numNonZeros] = numpy.arange(numNonZeros)
cols[:numNonZeros] = A.col
data[:numNonZeros] = A.data
#-A_{j,i} d_{i}
rows[numNonZeros:] = numpy.arange(numNonZeros)
cols[numNonZeros:] = A.row
data[numNonZeros:] = - A[A.col,A.row] ### Atranspose[A.row, A.col]
The problem is that this takes too long (> 2minutes for a 3000x3000
matrix with 3 million nonzeros). similary code in matlab is an order of
magnitude faster?
I've tried both csr and csc for doing the memory access of the
transpose, (attached is the csrTest , i can send the matrix file if you
are interested)
Does anyone have any suggestions on speeding this up?
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