[SciPy-User] Interpolation from a regular grid to a not regular one

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at yale.edu
Fri Jun 24 22:23:48 EDT 2011

> lats, longs = latitudes and longitudes of a regular grid (shape is (161,201))
> vals = corresponding values (shape = (161,201))
> I've got two more 2d numpy arrays which are latitudes and longitudes of a non regular grid (shapes are (1900,2400))


A little confusing, very useful. Sorry I've got no time to provide an example, but it should be what you want.

On Jun 24, 2011, at 8:02 AM, Domenico Nappo wrote:

> Hi there,
> hope you can help me.
> I'm new to SciPy and I'm not aware of all its nice features.
> I need some indications about how to complete the following task...just giving me some suggestions about which package/methods to use could be enough.
> I have three 2d numpy arrays representing the followings:
> lats, longs = latitudes and longitudes of a regular grid (shape is (161,201))
> vals = corresponding values (shape = (161,201))
> I've got two more 2d numpy arrays which are latitudes and longitudes of a non regular grid (shapes are (1900,2400))
> Now, I've got to produce the grid of values for the non regular grid, using interpolation (probably nearest neighbour).
> I've come out with something using griddata from the matplotlib.mlab module but I'm not sure it's the right way and I don't know how to test the interpolated results...
> Many thanks in advance.
> -- 
> dome
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