[SciPy-User] building scipy

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Wed Mar 9 11:56:57 EST 2011

Wed, 09 Mar 2011 17:42:48 +0100, Paul Anton Letnes wrote:
> As can be seen from __config__.py below, it seems that scipy somehow
> knows about this, finds the right folders, and so on. However, when
> importing scipy, python+scipy is unable to find libgoto2.so. I am able
> to fix the problem by exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the
> BLAS/LAPACK folder, but this seems like a bad way to proceed. More
> importantly, why doesn't scipy look for LAPACK and BLAS in the folder
> specified in the __config__.py file?

Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the standard unix solution in this case. Scipy 
does not and should not look for the dynamic libraries by itself -- this 
is the job for the operating system's dynamic linker.

In addition to setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you can tell the dynamic linker 
that it should look for the libraries in a specific place by including a 
"-rpath" flag during compilation. For details, see "man gcc". You can 
probably include it by setting LDLAST or LDLAST env. variables.

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