[SciPy-User] Image processing class

Luis Pedro Coelho luis at luispedro.org
Sun Mar 27 12:53:54 EDT 2011


I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but I'll give you my $.02:

A while back I tried to build up a website about computer vision and python: 

I ran out of steam a bit, but I might pick it up again (it's an open project, 
you can fork it on github https://github.com/luispedro/pythonvision_org to add 

In general, Python is on par with matlab for image processing, but it is a bit 
more scattered, as there are a few relevant packages instead of having it all 
in one. I'd list mahotas and scikits.image as the two most relevant.

We have a mailing list too: http://groups.google.com/group/pythonvision


On Friday, March 25, 2011 04:23:42 pm Eric Miller wrote:
> Hello,
> I teach a class in digital image processing in the ECE department at
> Tufts University.  It has a pretty large programming component which has
> been in Matlab.  I am thinking about moving to Python and was wondering
> if anyone else out there has done this?
> Thanks
> Eric

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