[SciPy-User] Python 2.7 / 64-bit

Wes McKinney wesmckinn at gmail.com
Wed May 11 16:35:15 EDT 2011

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Chris Weisiger <cweisiger at msg.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> I'm in the unfortunate situation of needing to make a OSX 64-bit version of
> a program that uses both Scipy/Numpy and wxWidgets. The former only has
> unofficial 64-bit builds and only for Python 2.6; the latter only has 64-bit
> builds for 2.7 -- before that, they were using Carbon for UI calls, which is
> 32-bit only. So there's a problem there. Hand-building my own version of
> either seems to be a pretty gnarly problem that I'd rather avoid if
> possible.
> Any ideas how far we are from having a 64-bit, Python2.7 build of scipy and
> numpy for OSX? All else being equal, I'd rather be on 2.7 than 2.6. Thanks.
> -Chris
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I would use the Enthought Python Distribution-- consistent Python 2.7
builds across all platforms (including all the libraries you list
above-- assuming you mean wxPython).

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