[SciPy-User] [ANN] scikits.cuda 0.4

Lev Givon lev at columbia.edu
Mon May 16 09:17:35 EDT 2011

I've released scikits.cuda 0.04. Changes since the last release
include the following:

* Add integrate module.
* Automatically determine device used by current context.
* Support batched and multidimensional FFT operations.
* Extended dot() function to support implicit transpose/Hermitian.
* Support for in-place computation of singular vectors in svd()
* Various useful utility functions added to misc module.
* Use pycuda-complex.hpp to improve kernel readability.
* Add unit tests for high-level functions.
* Simplify kernel launch setup.
* More CULA routine wrappers (including CULA R11 auxiliary routines).
* Bug fixes.

The code can be downloaded from 


Documentation is available at 


Suggestions, criticisms, and bug reports (preferably submitted via
github) are all welcome.


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