[SciPy-User] Segmentation fault with scipy v0.9.0

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Fri Oct 7 13:01:22 EDT 2011

20.09.2011 17:43, Baker D.J. kirjoitti:
> I’m building scipy v0.9.0 on a RHELS 5.3 cluster. I’m building the
> package with python 2.6.5, numpy 1.6.1 and the GNU compilers v4.1.2.
> I’ve kept things simple and just used the “bog standard” BLAS/LAPACK
> installed via RHELS rpms. I’ve  built and tested numpy today and that is
> fine. On the other hand I find that the scipy tests fail with a
> segmentation fault. On running the tests with “scipy.test(verbose=2) I
> find the following failure:
> test_nonlin.TestJacobianDotSolve.test_broyden1 ... Segmentation fault

I saw similar behavior on one machine.

The reason was that my Numpy and Scipy were linked against different
BLAS libraries. Although I was linking Scipy against a specific BLAS, it
apparently still got the ZDOTC symbol (which that test ends up calling)
from some other library.

If I renamed the 'ZDOTC' function to 'ZDOTCC' in the BLAS library and
adjusted Scipy similarly, then it worked --- so apparently the name
ZDOTC became overridden in runtime...


However, recompiling Numpy resolved that issue for me. Maybe it also
helps in your case?

Pauli Virtanen

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