[SciPy-User] Matrix-free version of connected_components

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 21:41:09 EDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 3:33 AM, Per Nielsen <evilper at gmail.com> wrote:

>> I'm not sure what your application is, but if you just need connected
>> components and have an easy way to find neighbors, then unionfind will
>> partition the set for you. Although the common version doesn't make it easy
>> to extract them, I have an implementation that keeps the connected nodes in
>> a circular list for just that application.
> I would very like to have copy of your algorithm, it might be easier to
> modify than the networkX code as Gael suggested.

Well, it's in Cython ;) It is set up to use integer indices as node labels
and all components are extracted as lists of integers. It's also pretty old
and needs documentation, so I'll do that and clean it up a bit. I'll be on
travel for the next few days, so unless matters are pressing, I won't get
to it until the weekend.

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