[SciPy-User] Notification when array is modified

John Jumper jumper at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 20 23:52:51 EDT 2012

Thank you all.  I will probably use a proxy object, but all the
responses are helpful.


On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Christian K. <ckkart at hoc.net> wrote:
> For that purpose I use a subclass of ndarray. See the attached sample.
> Hope it helps.
> Christian
> Am 20.08.12 04:00, schrieb John Jumper:
>> I am looking for a method so that I can be notified when the contents
>> of a numpy array change.
>> A simplified class that illustrates the desired functionality is below.
>> class ComputeDerived(object):
>>     def __init__(self, n):
>>         self.A = np.zeros(n)
>>         self.B = np.zeros(n)
>>         self.change_mask = np.ones(n, dtype=np.bool)
>>         self._Derived = expensive(self.A,self.B)
>>     def set_A(self, i, x):
>>         self.A[i] = x
>>         self.change_mask[i] = True
>>     def set_B(self, i, x):
>>         self.B[i] = x
>>         self.change_mask[i] = True
>>     def Derived(self):
>>         if np.any(self.change_mask):
>>             for i in np.nonzero(self.change_mask)[0]:
>>                 self._Derived[i] = expensive(A[i],B[i])
>>             self.change_mask[:] = False
>>         return self._Derived
>> This class works, but I lack the power of numpy's indexing syntax to
>> change A or B.  I would like to be able to write
>> compute_derived.A[(3,5,6)] = 1 and then be notified that A has
>> changed.  Otherwise, if I want to use a numpy interface for A and B, I
>> would have to store old copies of A and B and traverse these copies
>> every time Derived is called.
>> Is there any interface in numpy so that I could expose A and B
>> directly as writeable numpy arrays but be notified when they are
>> modified?  Alternatively, if I subclass ndarray, is there some
>> exhaustive list of methods that can change the underlying data (I
>> would be worried about view objects here)?
>> In case it makes a difference, my actual use case is a C++ class
>> wrapped using Boost::Python.  The numpy arrays A and B would point at
>> aligned float* members of my C++ class.
>> Thank you,
>> John Jumper
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