[SciPy-User] Points fitting (non lin)

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Fri Dec 14 11:33:07 EST 2012

Paolo Zaffino <p.zaffino <at> yahoo.it> writes:
> I have a set of points (2D) and I would compute a curve that fits them.
> The points are ordered in a precise way (not crescent order) and
> I can't change this order (the curve should fit the points in that order).
> I'm interseting in a non linear fit (the ideal case would be more
> intervals of quadratic curves).
> Has anyone any advice about?

splprep may be the function you are looking for, it fits a parametric
spline to a set of points.

Read the documentation on how to choose the smoothing `s` parameter.


Pauli Virtanen

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