[SciPy-User] Calling LAPACK function dbdsqr()?

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Fri Dec 14 12:03:04 EST 2012

Sturla Molden <sturla <at> molden.no> writes:
> On 14.12.2012 17:30, Pauli Virtanen wrote:
> > I think this means that someone needs to go through the LAPACK
> > wrappers, and add any functions that are missing.
> >
> > Pull requests are accepted ;)
> Yes, perferably all of LAPACK should be defined in
>    scipy/linalg/flapack.pyf
> But now it just has the functions that SciPy needs.
> It will take quite some work. And I presume tests will be needed too?

We don't have tests for all the existing routines.

Just smoke tests would be good enough, I think --- work space query
and calling the routine on some random data. I'd guess writing these
would be boring, but on the other hand writing the .pyf file probably
take more time.

Probably doesn't make so much sense checking any of the results, as we
trust LAPACK.

Pauli Virtanen

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