[SciPy-User] SciPy Install on Cygwin (Successful Once)
Greg Mosby
gregory.mosby at gmail.com
Thu May 31 00:19:09 EDT 2012
I'm installing SciPy on my Win7 machine using Cygwin and its Python 2.6.7
version. I actually managed to successfully install Scipy not to long ago,
but I had some rebasing issues that ended with me having to reinstall
cygwin and those directories. I followed the basic outline of installing
ATLAS plus LAPACK. I have Numpy. I made a site.cfg for my unzipped
scipy-0.10.1 directory to make sure it would look in the right spots for
the lapack, atlas, etc libraries. It's the same as the one I used for my
successful install. But when I run:
python setup.py config_fc --fcompiler=gnu95 install
I get undefined reference errors. I can tell they are somehow due to the
install script not including a clapack.h file. The location of the file is
in my environment path, but perhaps not my python sys.path. However, it's
in one of the include directories I place in the site.cfg too, so I'm not
sure why the install is missing it. The last of the undefined references is:
undefined reference to `_clapack_ztrtri'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
error: Command "/usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -Wall -shared
-L/usr/local/atlas/lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.5.3
-L/usr/lib/python2.6/config -Lbuild/temp.cygwin-1.7.15-i686-2.6 -llapack
-lptf77blas -lptcblas -latlas -lpython2.6 -lgfortran -o
build/lib.cygwin-1.7.15-i686-2.6/scipy/lib/lapack/clapack.dll" failed with
exit status 1"
I'll attach a copy of the results from: python -c 'from numpy.f2py.diagnose
import run; run()'.
Thanks in advance.
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2.6.7 (r267:88850, Feb 2 2012, 23:50:20)
[GCC 4.5.3]
Found new numpy version '1.6.2' in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/__init__.pyc
Found f2py2e version '2' in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/f2py/f2py2e.pyc
Found numpy.distutils version '0.4.0' in '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/distutils/__init__.pyc'
Importing numpy.distutils.fcompiler ... ok
Checking availability of supported Fortran compilers:
GnuFCompiler instance properties:
archiver = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-cr']
compile_switch = '-c'
compiler_f77 = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-O3', '-funroll-loops']
compiler_f90 = None
compiler_fix = None
libraries = ['g2c']
library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4']
linker_exe = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall']
linker_so = ['/usr/bin/g77', '-g', '-Wall', '-g', '-Wall', '-
object_switch = '-o '
ranlib = ['/usr/bin/g77']
version = LooseVersion ('3.4.4')
version_cmd = ['/usr/bin/g77', '--version']
Gnu95FCompiler instance properties:
archiver = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-cr']
compile_switch = '-c'
compiler_f77 = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', '-O3', '-
compiler_f90 = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-O3', '-funroll-loops']
compiler_fix = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-ffixed-form', '-Wall',
'-O3', '-funroll-loops']
libraries = ['gfortran']
library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.5.3']
linker_exe = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall']
linker_so = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '-Wall', '-Wall', '-shared']
object_switch = '-o '
ranlib = ['/usr/bin/gfortran']
version = LooseVersion ('4.5.3')
version_cmd = ['/usr/bin/gfortran', '--version']
Fortran compilers found:
--fcompiler=gnu GNU Fortran 77 compiler (3.4.4)
--fcompiler=gnu95 GNU Fortran 95 compiler (4.5.3)
Compilers available for this platform, but not found:
--fcompiler=absoft Absoft Corp Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=compaqv DIGITAL or Compaq Visual Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=g95 G95 Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=intelev Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps
--fcompiler=intelv Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps
Compilers not available on this platform:
--fcompiler=compaq Compaq Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=hpux HP Fortran 90 Compiler
--fcompiler=ibm IBM XL Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=intel Intel Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps
--fcompiler=intele Intel Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps
--fcompiler=intelem Intel Fortran Compiler for 64-bit apps
--fcompiler=intelvem Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for 64-bit apps
--fcompiler=lahey Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 95 Compiler
--fcompiler=mips MIPSpro Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=nag NAGWare Fortran 95 Compiler
--fcompiler=none Fake Fortran compiler
--fcompiler=pathf95 PathScale Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=pg Portland Group Fortran Compiler
--fcompiler=sun Sun or Forte Fortran 95 Compiler
--fcompiler=vast Pacific-Sierra Research Fortran 90 Compiler
For compiler details, run 'config_fc --verbose' setup command.
Importing numpy.distutils.cpuinfo ... ok
CPU information: CPUInfoBase__get_nbits getNCPUs has_mmx has_sse has_sse2 has_sse3 has_ssse3 is_32bit is_Intel is_i686 ------
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