[SciPy-User] cobyla

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 15:58:57 EDT 2012

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 11:09 PM, The Helmbolds <helmrp at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On my system (Windows 7, Python 2.7.x and IDLE, latest SciPy), I observe
> the following behavior with fmin_cobyla and minimize's COBYLA method.
> Case 1: When run either in the IDLE interactive shell or within an
> enclosing Python program:
>     1.1. The fmin_cobyla function never returns the Results dictionary,
> and never displays it to Python's stdout. This is true regardless of the
> function call's disp setting.

Correct. The fmin_cobyla docstring clearly says what it returns. Result
objects are only returned by the new interfaces in the 0.11.0 release
(minimize, minimize_scalar, root).

     1.2. The 'minimize' function always returns the Results dictionary but
> never displays it to Python's stdout. Again, this is true regardless of the
> function call's disp setting.

`disp` doesn't print the Results objects. For me it works as advertized (in
IPython), it prints something like:

   Normal return from subroutine COBYLA

   NFVALS =   37   F = 8.000000E-01    MAXCV = 0.000000E+00
   X = 1.400113E+00   1.700056E+00


> Case 2: When run interactively in Window's Command Prompt box:
>     2.1 The fmin_cobyla function never returns the Result dictionary,
> regardless of the function call's disp setting. Setting disp to True or
> False either displays the Results dictionary in the command box or not
> (respectively). I don't think the Results dictionary gets to the command
> box via stdout.
>     2.2 The 'minimize' function always returns the Result dictionary,
> regardless of the function call's disp setting.  Setting disp to True or
> False either displays the Results dictionary in the command box or not
> (respectively). I don't think the Results dictionary gets to the command
> box via stdout.
> My thanks to all who helped clarify this situation.
> Bob H
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