[SciPy-User] [SciPy-user] Pylab - standard packages

Will Furnass will at thearete.co.uk
Tue Oct 2 04:49:37 EDT 2012

A point that I don't think has been mentioned so far (correct me if I'm 
wrong) is whether devising a Scipy standard with recommended/minimum 
package versions will hinder (or expedite) the transition to Python 3.x.  
If one package e.g. matplotlib is still Python 2.x only then that would 
keep the standard 2.7 but may add momentum the development of a 3.x 
version of that package.  More generally, is there any interest in a 3.x 
Scipy standard, either now or in the next couple of years?

Even if there were sufficient 3.x packages to permit both a 2.x and 3.x 
version of the standard I hope others would agree that this is not a 
great idea.

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