[SciPy-User] Scipy stack: standard packages (poll)
Christoph Gohlke
cgohlke at uci.edu
Wed Oct 3 17:06:59 EDT 2012
On 10/3/2012 9:06 AM, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> Following on from recent discussion here and on the numfocus list, I'm
> trying to work out the set of packages that should make up a
> standardised 'scipy stack'. We've determined that Python, numpy,
> scipy, matplotlib and IPython are to be included. Then there's a list
> that have got a 'maybe': pandas, statsmodels, sympy, scikits-learn,
> scikits-image, PyTables, h5py, NetworkX, nose, basemap & netCDF4.
> My aim is to have a general set of packages that you can do useful
> work with, and will stand up to the competition (particularly Matlab &
> R), but without gaining too many subject-specific packages. But I
> don't know what's generally useful and what's subject specific.
> Vote at: http://www.doodle.com/ma6rnpnbfc6wivu9
> It's set up so you can vote for or against a package, or abstain if
> you're not sure - I've abstained on most of them myself.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
it was mentioned before: none of the suggested packages can read or
write image files on their own, except for matplotlib's built-in PNG
support. Matplotlib, Scipy and skimage depend on other, optional
packages or binaries for image I/O: PIL, FreeImage, GDAL, PyQt.
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