[SciPy-User] Fwd: scipy domains

Travis Vaught travis at vaught.net
Mon Sep 10 13:06:48 EDT 2012

Forwarding to scipy-user, since I've not had any thoughts out of scipy-dev on this.

Maybe this is relevant to the naming discussion.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Travis Vaught <travis at vaught.net>
> Subject: scipy domains
> Date: September 5, 2012 9:31:49 AM CDT
> To: "Scipy-Dev at Scipy. Org" <scipy-dev at scipy.org>
> All,
> In a fit of nostalgia, I began to renew the domains scipy.com and scipy.net this morning.
> I've no idea whether they have any real use other than brand protection, but I'm more than willing to fund the renewals for as long as I have the means to do so.  (Note: even though I'm the listed administrator of these domains, I consider Enthought -- with which I'm no longer formally affiliated -- to be their capable caretaker).
> In the renewal process, the company from which I register the domains 'suggested' that there are other domains I might be interested in registering.  Namely, scipy.info, scipy.us, and scipy.biz.  Is there any use for these?  I'm happy to add them to the bill if someone can make a case for their use/protection.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.
> Best,
> Travis

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