[SciPy-User] sparse.linalg.splu can I use option Fact=SamePattern

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sat Aug 17 05:57:51 EDT 2013

09.08.2013 05:26, John Floyd kirjoitti:
> SuperLU supports this with the Fact=SamePattern option - can it be
> done using the python interface - if so please give an

I'm sure you are the first to try to use the Python wrapper for this
purpose, so the answers to your two questions here are not known.

If the matter in using SuperLU is simply to pass in this flag, then it
will probably work, but if you also need to pass in additional data
telling SuperLU about the previous permutation, then it probably won't
work out of the box.

Pauli Virtanen

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