[SciPy-User] Plotly Beta: web-based, publication-quality graphing for Python and IPython
Matt Sundquist
matt at plot.ly
Fri Dec 20 19:07:27 EST 2013
Hi SciPy users,
My name is Matt, and I'm part of Plotly <https://plot.ly>. We're working on
a scientific graphing library <http://plot.ly/api/python> for Python (fork
here <https://github.com/plotly/python-api>) that allows you to create
interactive, web-based graphs in IPython and your browser. Our gallery of
Notebooks is here<http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/plotly/IPython-plotly/tree/master/>
We would love to be a useful resource for the SciPy community. As we're
quite new (just a few months into our beta), we benefit from and very much
appreciate help and expert feedback. We would love your opinions, advice,
and thoughts.
Plotly lets you style interactive, publication-quality graphs. You can make
Plotly graphs with NumPy, pandas, Datetime, and LaTeX. Plotly has bubble
charts, box plots, line charts, scatter plots, histograms, 2D histograms,
and heatmaps. Plotly supports log axes, error bars, date axes, multiple
axes, and subplots. The gallery,
has examples.
You can edit with code or the GUI in Plotly, share a graph online, via a
download, or as part of a NB. You can also embed with an iframe (Washington
Post example<http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/14/do-low-taxes-on-the-rich-leave-the-middle-class-with-lower-wages/>
Data and graphs live together, and can be shared with collaborators (like a
Google Doc). For an example, here is a
graph<https://plot.ly/~IPython.Demo/402/> made
with Python, styled with this
Plotly is set up like GitHub. You control privacy and sharing. It's free
for public use, you can fork the APIs (and we welcome pull requests), and
has a premium subscription for heavy private use.
Thanks a bunch. It would mean a lot to hear your thoughts, advice, and
All my best,
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