[SciPy-User] Allan Variance

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Tue Mar 5 07:25:37 EST 2013

On 05/03/2013 13:13, Neal Becker wrote:
> Daniele Nicolodi wrote:
>> Hello,
>> does anyone know or have written and is willing to share some code to
>> compute the Allan variance, modified Allan variance and friends, ideally
>> both from frequency than from phase data?
>> I'm writing my own code, it is not that difficult, but I would prefer
>> the time required for testing and validation doing something more fun.
>> If there is no available code implementing Allan variance, would it be
>> interesting to include in in SciPy?
>> Thank you so much.
>> Best,
>> Daniele
> Do you mean, given phase noise power spectral density?

I mean given phase or frequency time series.  But also code that
computes Allan variation from power spectral density may come handy for
me in future.


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