[SciPy-User] multi-dimensional scaling

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at yale.edu
Fri May 3 08:36:25 EDT 2013

> I'm looking in scipy for something to perform multi-dimensional 
> scaling*. I don't see anything - have I missed it? Is it easy to make it 
> from scipy components?
> Thanks
> Dan
> * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling

MDS is more a class of approaches than a specific algorithm. If you want to do "classic" MDS with euclidian distances as the metric, then you would use PCA to implement that:

And PCA is just a simple eigendecomposition that you can build from the basic linear algebra tools in numpy. I'm happy to send over the short wrapper code I wrote to do "PCA" on data in a vaguely smart way, if you want.


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