[SciPy-User] efficiency of the simplex routine: R (optim) vs scipy.optimize.fmin

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu May 9 17:31:20 EDT 2013

10.05.2013 00:16, Arnaldo Russo kirjoitti:
> Hi Josef, 
> thank you for quick reply.
> Changing my pp_min, without square, I have the results:
> Out[4]: (array([  9.82259647e-02,  -1.58338152e-02,   5.03125198e+01]), 1)
> It's not much different from previously results. Any reason for this?

The chi^2 for the solution found by leastsq is smaller than for that
found by R.

Pauli Virtanen

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