[SciPy-User] About wrong results from scipy statistical distributions

Sergio Rojas sergio_r at mail.com
Tue May 14 15:34:10 EDT 2013

I am wondering whether there are specific examples one could run to check what exactly is
wrong with skew and kurtosis on scipy as mentioned in the "remaining Issuess" [1] section
of the documention
[ http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/stats.html#remaining-issues ].

It is also mentioned there that there is a range of values on which the scipy distributions gives wrong results. Is there any other document explaining further this (and the previous) issue?

Thanks in advance,


  Remaining Issues

    * skew and kurtosis, 3rd and 4th moments and entropy are not thoroughly tested and some coarse testing indicates that there are still some incorrect results left.
    * the distributions have been tested over some range of parameters, however in some corner ranges, a few incorrect results may remain.
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