[SciPy-User] log normal distribution random number array generation

Josè Luis Mietta joseluismietta at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Nov 1 11:13:23 EDT 2013

Hi experts!

I wanna generate a random number array of size=N using a log normal distribution. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution i wanna use the parameters mu and sigma.

I know that I must do:

form scipy.stats import lognorm
new_array = lognorm.rvs(......, size=N)

What must I set like parameters (loc, s, scale, etc.) for use mu and sigma distribution parameters.

In the same way: what must I do in   

new_array = norm.rvs(......, size=N)

for generate a array of random numbers using a gaussian distribution with parameters mu and sigma?

Waitign for your answers.

Thanks a lot!
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