[SciPy-User] scipy cblas return value

Radim Řehůřek me at radimrehurek.com
Tue Sep 24 17:55:58 EDT 2013

Thanks guys, these comments are very helpful.

But I don't know what BLAS/compiler the users will be using. That was the 
whole point of trying to go through SciPy -- I thought there was a 
translation/interface that would allow me to call the standard routines in 
a stable way, no matter what idiosyncratic BLAS hid underneath... I figured 
SciPy itself must be doing that already.

But `scipy.linalg.blas.sdot` gives me the wrong result in Python, too. The 
same as when called from C through _cpointer. So now I'm confused -- surely 
this issue has something to do with SciPy?

Scipy itself uses a combination of options 1 and 2, but the wrapper 
> functions are not exposed via _cpointer (they don't have the standard 
> BLAS API), which points to the "raw" BLAS function. 

Aha. Ok. I'm sifting through the SciPy sources now, to better understand 
what wraps what, where... it may take a while.

In the meanwhile, does my original idea make any sense? To let SciPy do all 
the necessary wrapping/compiling/linking, but otherwise offer BLAS using 
the smallest call overhead possible, with a stable signature. I know the 
strides and all, I don't need any extra ifs or input checks or Python.


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