[SciPy-User] EuroScipy Reminder: call for abstracts closes in 4 days

Nelle Varoquaux nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 02:04:44 EDT 2014

Hello everyone,

Just a quick reminder that the EuroScipy call for abstracts closes on the
14th: don't forget to submit your talk proposal! It is in four days only!

In short, EuroScipy is a cross-disciplinary gathering focused on the use
and development of the Python language in scientific research. This event
strives to bring together both users and developers of scientific tools, as
well as academic research and state of the art industry.

EuroSciPy 2014, the Seventh Annual Conference on Python in Science, takes
place in *Cambridge, UK on 27 - 30 August 2014*. The conference features
two days of tutorials followed by two days of scientific talks. The day
after the main conference, developer sprints will be organized on projects
of interest to attendees.

The topics presented at EuroSciPy are very diverse, with a focus on
advanced software engineering and original uses of Python and its
scientific libraries, either in theoretical or experimental research, from
both academia and the industry. The program includes keynotes, contributed
talks and posters.

Submissions for talks and posters are welcome on our website (
http://www.euroscipy.org/2014/). In your abstract, please provide details
on what Python tools are being employed, and how. The deadline for
submission is 14 April 2014.

Also until 14 April 2014, you can apply for a sprint session on 31 August
2014. See https://www.euroscipy.org/2014/calls/sprints/ for details.


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