[SciPy-User] How to map spherical coordinate data to cartesian grid?

Steve Miller tweetsforzion at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 10:10:35 EDT 2014

Dear all.  I was send 4 long 1D arrays (flattened) representing 3D data in
spherical coordinates:

rho: density array
r:     spherical coordinate r array
th:   spherical coordinate theta array
phi: spherical coordinate phi array

where the r, th, and phi arrays are the coordinates for the density array
rho. These arrays are not uniformly spaces in r, th and phi.

I would like to map rho to cartesian coordinates of a 3D cube. IE, define:

X, Y, Z = mgrid[etc...]

Is there a handy scipy routine that will map/interpolate these rho values
in spherical coordinates across my new cartesian box? Naively I thought I
could use something like map_coordinates but I am unclear how I would use
this for this calculation. Could someone provide a simple example script
for how I could use scipy to do this? Thank you.
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