[SciPy-User] Convert 3d NumPy array into 2d

Maximilian Albert maximilian.albert at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 12:18:17 EDT 2014

2014-08-27 16:08 GMT+01:00 phinn stuart <dphinnstuart at gmail.com>:

> Hi everyone, how can I convert (1L, 480L, 1440L) shaped numpy array into
> (480L, 1440L)?

If 'a' is your array then 'a.squeeze()' or 'a.squeeze(axis=0)' will do the
job (see the docs at [1]). You can also say a.reshape(480, 1440) but
obviously this is only useful if you know the exact dimensions of your


[1] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.squeeze.html
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