[SciPy-User] Maximum Lyapunov exponent of my previous system

Barrett B barrett.n.b at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 18:51:49 EDT 2014

Andrew Fraser <afraser <at> lanl.gov> writes:

> I wrote code to estimate Lyapunov exponents for a book I wrote several 
> years ago.  I haven't looked at it for about a year.  Can you access 
> http://code.google.com/p/hmmds/source/browse/code/applications/synthetic/ ?  
> If so, take a look at the file LyapPlot.py.

It indeed is accessible, thanks. Quick questions:

1. What is file f?
2. I can't import lorenz. I see the part near the top about setting up the
pathname--where should I generally search for the Lorenz package?

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