[SciPy-User] optimising python numpy snippet

Sai Rajeshwar rajsai24 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 13:40:46 EDT 2014

hi all,

  I have written the following for loop statement inn my code..  when i
profiled it.. i found that it is taking huge amount of time..  can any one
suggest to make this statement faster


*or i in xrange(self.pooled_shape[1]):            for j in
xrange(self.pooled_shape[2]):                for k in
xrange(self.pooled_shape[3]):                    for l in

thanks a lot in advance

*with regards..*

*M. Sai Rajeswar*
*M-tech  Computer Technology*

*IIT Delhi----------------------------------Cogito Ergo Sum---------*
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