[SciPy-User] convolution using numpy/scipy using MKL libraries

Alexander Eberspächer alex.eberspaecher at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 07:57:30 EDT 2014

Dear Sai,

On 27.07.2014 10:28, Sai Rajeshwar wrote:

>    Im trying to implement 3d convolutional networks.. for which I wanted
> to use convolve function from scipy.signal.convolve or fftconvolve.. 

If MKL is not a hard requirement, you may consider using the awesome
pyfftw interfacing the incredible FFTW along with a monkey patched
version of fftconvolve.

On monkey patching using pyfftw, see

This might be a good choice for "large" convolutions. Smaller
convolutions might be better off with a "ordinary" convolution not using
the convolution theorem.

In case you learn about other solutions, please let us know what you've



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