[SciPy-User] Problem with handling big matrices with Windows
Antonelli Maria Rosaria
maria-rosaria.antonelli at curie.fr
Wed Jun 11 06:01:56 EDT 2014
I can np.memmap of that size, but when I ask to assign a zeros matrix of
the same size to the np.memmap, it gives the same error :
fp = np.memmap(filename, dtype='float, mode ='w+', shape(80, 100, 384,
fp = zeros((80, 100, 384, 285)).
On 6/11/14 11:32 AM, "Matthieu Brucher" <matthieu.brucher at gmail.com> wrote:
>Yes, but I don't think that would change anything. It is still the
>same OS that allocates memory in the end.
>2014-06-11 10:26 GMT+01:00 Antonelli Maria Rosaria
><maria-rosaria.antonelli at curie.fr>:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for answering.
>> I do have only one matrix that big and some others 80*285*384.
>> Have you ever heard about numpy binaries by Christoph Gohlke ?
>> Best,
>> Rosa
>> On 6/11/14 11:20 AM, "Matthieu Brucher" <matthieu.brucher at gmail.com>
>>>How many such matrices do you have? What is the content? Even if you
>>>could allocate up to 2**64 bytes with a 64bits app, it is not possible
>>>to do so. You are limited by your RAM and the size of your swap file.
>>>If the OS can find enough memory, it will fail with the error message
>>>you have.
>>>Perhaps you should use memmap to map your saved array on disk, instead
>>>of having it in memory.
>>>2014-06-11 11:17 GMT+02:00 Antonelli Maria Rosaria
>>><maria-rosaria.antonelli at curie.fr>:
>>>> Sorry I have to correct my self.
>>>> I already have installed Anaconda 64 bitŠ
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Rosa
>>>> On 6/11/14 11:13 AM, "Matthieu Brucher" <matthieu.brucher at gmail.com>
>>>>>Your arrays have more than 800 millions entries, so even with floats
>>>>>or int32, that means more than 3GB, meaning only one would fit in the
>>>>>process memory.
>>>>>You _have_ to switch to a 64bits Python and hope you have enough RAM
>>>>>2014-06-11 10:08 GMT+01:00 Antonelli Maria Rosaria
>>>>><maria-rosaria.antonelli at curie.fr>:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am working with Windows 7, 64bits and I have 8G of Ram.
>>>>>> I have installed Anaconda 32bits and I get "memory" error when
>>>>>> matrices of 80*100*285*384.
>>>>>> Do installing Anaconda 64bits would solve this problem ?
>>>>>> Can I install Anaconda 64 bits without uninstalling Anaconda 32bits
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Rosa
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