[SciPy-User] CIECAM02

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Thu Jun 12 19:02:45 EDT 2014

On 12 Jun 2014 01:50, "Will Henney" <Gmane20130611 at henney.org> wrote:
> Nathaniel Smith <njs <at> pobox.com> writes:
> > CIECAM02 is a standard model of human color perception. I'm trying to
> > implement a model of perceptual color similarity[1] that uses
> > CIECAM02, and this requires the ability to convert from sRGB
> > coordinates to CIECAM02's J, M, h coordinates. Code for doing this
> > seems surprisingly short on the ground. Before I start trying to
> > mechanically translate some incomprehensible matlab script [2], I
> > thought I'd check whether around here has implemented such a thing, or
> > knows of a suitable implementation?
> >
> The Wikipedia page has a link to an implementation in C:
> http://scanline.ca/ciecam02/
> It might be easier to adapt that.
> Or you could even just wrap it with cffi or similar

Thanks for the tip! I did eventually discover that implementation, though
my confidence was somewhat shaken when I noticed that the provided .c and
.h files describe entirely unrelated APIs (!!). There's a previous version
that might be more usable, and LittleCMS also provides some CIECAM02
functionality (though it only directly computes J, C, and h, not the other
perceptual correlates).

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