[SciPy-User] Numerical Recipes and scipy

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sat Oct 11 05:58:54 EDT 2014

11.10.2014, 05:33, josef.pktd at gmail.com kirjoitti:
> PyMatrixID and Savitsky-Golay is more recent code with reference to NR.

The comment on numerical recipes in savgol_coeffs() is about how to
reproduce results mentioned in NR. The code itself is obviously not from NR.

> the random numer generator fortran file in interpolative has NR as
> only reference.

The algorithm in Numerical Recipes is originally from D. Knuth, The Art
of Computer Programming, vol 2.

The code in PyMatrixID is neither Knuth's code nor NR's code, but a
reimplementation. The algorithm itself consists of 8 lines of code, so
they share unavoidable similarities.

Pauli Virtanen

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