[SciPy-User] BFGS precision vs least_sq

Matt Newville newville at cars.uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 17 16:13:47 EDT 2014

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16 October 2014 22:59, Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Andrew Nelson <andyfaff at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear scipy users,
>>> I am using BFGS as a final 'polishing' minimizer after using another
>>> minimization technique.  I thought I would check how it performs against a
>>> known non-linear regression standard,
>>> http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/strd/nls/data/thurber.shtml.
>>> I discovered that BFGS doesn't get to the absolute known minimum for
>>> this least squares problem, even if the starting point is almost the best
>>> solution.  Rather, it finishes with a chi2 of 5648.6 against the lowest
>>> chi2 minimum of 5642.7 (using scipy.optimize.leastsq).  The problem seems
>>> to be 'precision loss', as reported by fmin_bfgs.  I have tried adjusting
>>> the gtol and epsilon options for fmin_bfgs, but did not do any better.
>>> Ok, so the two chi2 are only out by 0.1%, but I would like to know why
>>> BFGS can't get to the same minimum as leastsq.
>> You mentioned the result for chi-square but not for the parameters
>> themselves.  Are those close to the certified values?
>> Your observation is consistent with my experience with the NIST standard
>> reference data.  The tests are hard (and Thurber is listed as Higher level
>> of difficulty), and leastsq() does much better than the scalar optimization
>> methods from scipy both in terms of final results and number of function
>> evaluations.
>> I suspect that because leastsq() examines the full Jacboian (that is, has
>> a residual array) instead of a single scalar value, it can better navigate
>> the parameter space.   Leastsq() mixes Gauss-Netwon and steepest descent,
>> but I don't know why that would give an improvement in ultimate chi-square
>> for the Thurber problem over Newton's method (which I understand BFGS to
>> be).
>> I also suspect that the NIST "certified results" are derived from
>> analysis with MINPACK-1 (ie, leastsq).   I don't know this for sure, but
>> the tests are old enough (mid to late 1990s, perhaps older) that using
>> MINPACK for the analysis would be reasonable.  Furthermore, the results
>> from leastsq are very, very good.  For the Thurber data, the 37 data points
>> have 5 to 7 digits for x, and 4 digits for y.  The certified parameters and
>> their uncertainties,  and the residual sum of squares are given to 10
>> digits  -- the Readme states that not all of these values are statistically
>> significant, and that 3 digits are hard to get for some problems.  A simple
>> use of leastsq() for the Thurber data with no fussing with tolerances or
>> scaling gives at least 4 correct digits for each parameter, at least 3
>> digits for the parameter uncertainties and 8 digits for the residual sum of
>> squares, from either of the 2 supplied starting values.    Similarly
>> excellent results are found for most of the NIST tests with leastsq() -- it
>> often does as well as NIST says to expect.   The certified values had to
>> come from somewhere... why not from a non-linear least-squares using
>> MINPACK?   That's just to say that comparing any method to leastsq on the
>> NIST data may be a biased test in favor of leastsq.
>> OTOH, BFGS fails to alter the initial values from either starting point
>> for the Thurber data for me.  So the fact that you're finding 3 digits for
>> residual sum of squares is a huge improvement!
>> Whether the Thurber test is a good test for the polishing step of a
>> global optimizer may be another issue.  For a global optimizer you probably
>> *want* a scaler minimizer  -- so that maximum likelihood can be used
>> instead of least-squares, for example.  That is, using leastsq() for the
>> polishing stage may not be suitable.    And if the idea of global
>> optimization is to locate good starting points for local minimization, then
>> it shouldn't matter too much what local optimizer you use.
> The starting parameters in the demo script I wrote are from a
> differential_evolution minimisation followed by a BFGS 'polish'.  So in
> that respect I'm taking the endpoint of a BFGS run and trying to get it
> even lower by running BFGS again.  I then wanted to see if leastsq got any
> lower.  It's a bit unfair, the output vector from BFGS is very close to the
> certified values.
> I would've thought that both should be equally good at calculating the
> gradient/Jacobian (first derivative matrix), that's simply a vector of
> \frac{\partial \chi^2}{\partial x_i}. I understand that the way that they
> calculate the Hessians are different.

leastsq() uses all (in this case 37) observations of the residual array to
make derivatives, not just one positive value to be minimized.   That is,
it is not looking at only chi-square, it is finding the parameters that
gives the smallest sum of squares of the residual array... but it needs
that residual array!     leastsq() would not even try to use only one
observation to find the best values of seven variables.    A scalar
minimization using chi-square for a multivariate/ multiple-observation
problem  is deliberately throwing away data, and cannot even use the sign
of the residual array.     It should not be surprising that a scalar
minimizer does not perform as well on hard problems.

The reason I am trying to get to the bottom of this is because I am working
> on the benchmark suite for (scalar) global optimizers. Each problem should
> have a way of judging if the global minimum has been reached.  The easy way
> is to just set an absolute tolerance for differences from the known minimum
> energy e.g. 1e-4.  However, that won't be fair in problems such as these -
> the BFGS is very close to the minimum energy (within 0.1%), it just can't
> polish to the absolute minimum like leastsq can (at least from this
> starting point).  But is that a reason to mark it as a fail? So for some
> problems in the benchmarking perhaps there needs to be an rtol and atol.
> How does one set those rtol/atol?
> The polishing in differential_evolution is done by L-BFGS-S, it can't use
> leastsq for the reason you mentioned.  But for the least squares problems
> the leastsq can be run independently.

I went through the code for bfgs and got to line_search_wolfe (or something
> along those lines), to see where the precision warning message came from.
> There my code reading head gave out.  I was wondering if there were any
> tolerances/epsilons I could set tighter to get that final drop of reduction
> in energy, but I didn't get any further.  Perhaps the list can explain the
> situation in which the precision message is emitted?

Are you using fmin_bfgs() for fmin_l_bfgs_b() for the polishing?   The
former has a 'gtol' argument, the latter has 'factr' and 'pgtol' arguments.

--Matt Newville
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